Karla offers a holistic approach combining Acupuncture (Traditional Chinese, Balance method and Master Tung style), The Arvigo Techniques of Maya abdominal therapy and Reflexology, always treating the individual, not just the symptoms. Every session is bespoke, addressing the root of the problem and treating individual symptoms to restore balance and well-being in the body and mind.
Her fortes are women’s health, fertility, pregnancy issues and labour preparation, post-natal recovery, stress and anxiety.
She has completed a vast range of postgraduate training including female and male fertility, natural and assisted conception, pregnancy and childbirth, post-natal care. She continues to develop skills through regular professional development.
As a member of the British Acupuncture Council – the body for professional acupuncturists in the UK – she abides by strict Codes of Safe Practice, Professional Conduct and Health and Safety legislation. She is also a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network and Acupuncture childbirth team.
Email: ask@natureheals.co.uk Phone: 07739188652
Insurance : AXA / PPP, Aviva, Pru Health, WPA, April and most UK and International insurers.
Check the full list here: full list of insurers