Breech babies, pregnancy, delivery
11 August, 2015

Breech position means that your baby is in a bottom-down position. You might feel some discomfort when you breathe as...

Dry Needling and Back Pain
20 July, 2015

Lucerne Clinic, Notting Hill Gate, will shortly be offering ‘Dry Needling’ as an additional technique to help relieve the pain...

Posture tips to help back pain
24 June, 2015

In the last couple of posts we discussed different types of posture and the effect bad posture can have on...

Back pain & posture
15 June, 2015

It is unlikely that we will all go through life with a perfect posture, all of the time. As a result we...

Back pain & Primal Posture
09 June, 2015

Back pain is likely to affect most of us living ‘western’ lifestyles at some point or another. For some people...

Colic : what is it ?
06 June, 2015

Colic is a frequent and excessive crying in a baby who seems to be healthy and well fed. We know...

How to warm up
31 January, 2015

Looks like summer is finally over and autumn is taking its grip. We often see quite a few neck related...

Recipe of the Month: Russian Borscht (beetroot soup)
31 January, 2015

I shall follow on from the Love your Liver theme. This month’s recipe is full of nutrients that will make...

20 Questions: How toxic is your lifestyle?
31 January, 2015

Toxins enter the body in many ways. Through the food and substances enter our digestive system, through our lungs, they’re...

Is your liver feeling the love?
31 January, 2015

As the end of January is almost upon us, let’s take a moment to focus on an organ that some...

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